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Need a Construction Accident Lawyer? Learn About the Most Common Construction Accidents.

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous workplaces to operate in, and for good reason. Unlike a cubicle-style office, construction sites are full of hazardous chemicals and dangerous heavy equipment, and employees sometimes work at precarious heights. Despite best efforts to avoid injuries and accidents on construction sites, incidents happen every day. Some types of construction accidents happen more often than others, so knowing what causes many construction site accidents may help you or a loved one avoid injury. When someone is hurt on a construction site, they deserve to be compensated for their injuries. To learn more about your legal options after a construction site accident in New York from a construction accident lawyer, call or contact The Law Offices of Justin D. Brandel today to schedule a consultation of your case.

Falls From Heights

On average, about 35% of all construction site accidents nationwide every year are caused by falls. Construction site workers routinely operate at significant heights, working on ladders, scaffolding, rooftops, and other places where a fall could result in serious harm. A fall can cause a number of injuries, such as head trauma, broken bones, spinal cord damage, internal bleeding, and more.


Electrocution accidents are also a common type of accident on construction sites. Workers can come in contact with downed power lines, unfinished electrical systems, exposed wires, and other electrical sources that can lead to devastating injuries. Common injuries from electrocutions include burns, nerve damage, internal organ damage, cardiac arrest, and other severe injuries.

Slip and Falls

Slip and fall accidents are another common cause of injuries for construction site workers. There are countless items that can lead to a slip and fall on a construction site, including tools, debris, extra materials, spilled materials, grease, puddles, and more. Slip and fall injuries can range from a minor issue like a soft tissue injury to something catastrophic like a traumatic brain injury.

Being Struck by a Vehicle

Many construction site workers every year are injured when they are struck by a vehicle. Depending on the circumstances of the construction site, this can either be from a passing vehicle near the construction or by a large vehicle coming to and from the site. The vehicles coming to and from construction sites are often large dump trucks, excavators, bulldozers, and other big construction vehicles. When a person is struck by one of these vehicles the results are often devastating in terms of their injuries. Injuries can include head trauma, neck injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, internal organ injuries, amputation limbs, paralysis, and even death. Revel may also be a liable party if the accident was caused by a defect or equipment failure on a moped that ultimately caused the crash. It is the company’s responsibility to maintain their fleet of moped vehicles and provide regular maintenance on them. If the accident occurred because of a glitch in the electronics, brake failure, or other malfunction, the company may be liable for any damages that result. Once the liable parties in a Revel moped accident are identified it is important that a lawsuit is filed in a timely manner in order to secure your claims for compensation. Under New York law, an injury victim only has three years from the date of the accident to file a claim for damages. Failure to file a lawsuit within the three-year statute of limitations could mean that your case gets thrown out of court.

Trench and Ground Collapses

Another common type of construction site accident is a trench or ground collapse. The digging of trenches and other ground excavation is often necessary in many types of construction site projects. However, if they are not done properly, the trench or dig site can cave in on the workers excavating on the project. The unstable ground can also cause more than just dirt to collapse on the workers, including tools, materials, and even part of the building project itself. Suffocation and drowning can occur in a trench collapse in addition to inhalation of toxic gases and other respiratory damage.

Crashing Accidents

Crushing accidents also occur on a regular basis to workers on construction sites. This type of accident typically occurs in two different ways: first, a worker can be crushed between something and the ground. An example is when a large piece of material or machinery falls and crushes a worker beneath it. The second type of crushing injury occurs when a person is caught between two objects. Crushing accidents lead to a number of amputation injuries every year.

Machinery Accidents

Construction sites have more heavy and hazardous machinery than any other type of workplace. As such, machinery accidents are a far more frequent occurrence on construction sites. Injuries caused by heavy duty equipment and machines can occur because of a faulty part in the machinery or because of negligent safety standards on site. This type of accident often leads to lacerations, broken bones, nerve damage, and loss of limbs among other injuries.

Explosions or Burns

Explosions and accidents that cause burns happen far more often at construction sites than other places. Construction sites use demotion charges to clear areas and aid in digging on a regular basis. Explosives and dangerous chemicals are commonplace on construction sites, and when an accident occurs it can lead to devastating accidents. Often, these injuries involve serious burns that require surgery, skin grafting, and painful scar tissue removal. Explosions can also cause broken bones, eye and ear trauma, head injuries, and more.

Falling Tools and Debris

Falling tools and debris are another type of common construction site accident. When workers are operating on ladders, scaffolding, and at other significant heights they are often doing so with tools, material, and debris. If these items are not carefully guarded, they can fall and strike workers below. Even with construction site helmets, falling items can cause severe injuries. Head trauma and traumatic brain injuries are common in this type of accident in addition to neck and shoulder injuries.


The last type of common construction site accident is caused by overexertion. Construction site workers are often operating in very hot or cold temperatures, in inclement weather, and work long hours physically exerting themselves every day. This can easily lead to overexertion, leading to injuries like heat stroke, cardiac arrest, fainting, falling, and other incidents that lead to serious injury.

Contact an Experienced Construction Accident Lawyer Today

Construction site accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries that require years of rehabilitation and care. If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction site accident it is critical that you speak with a qualified attorney to learn more about your legal options. To speak with a skilled New York construction accident lawyer about your claims, call the office or contact the Law Offices of Justin D. Brandel today.

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