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Can I Get Financial Compensation If I Fell On an Icy Sidewalk?

Low temperatures combined with inclement weather can turn New York City sidewalks into a dangerous situation for pedestrians. We’ve all experienced that moment of slipping on an icy surface, and throwing our arms out to try to break a fall. What if we really do fall, and suffer serious slip and fall injuries? Slipping on the sidewalk can cause broken bones, back injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or in the most terrible cases, death.

In New York City, homeowners and business owners are expected to keep the stretch of sidewalk in front of their premises free of ice and snow. If you fell on icy sidewalk in New York City, you may be able to bring a claim against the party who is responsible for that stretch of sidewalk, and get compensation for your injuries. The key is to show that the owner was negligent by failing to handle the unsafe condition, as required by law.

What To Do If You Fell on an Icy Sidewalk in New York City

Home and business owners can receive notification of unsafe conditions in one of two ways. First, the city can send them official notice about the icy sidewalk. This is called “actual notice.” The property owner or manager may be assumed to have recognized the unsafe conditions by observation. This is called “consecutive notice.” That means that it’s rarely a good defense on the part of a home or business owner to claim they were unaware that the sidewalk was icy and dangerous. Property owners and managers are required to act with reasonable care in handling icy conditions, and correct the problem.

If you fell on icy sidewalk, you need to take a few important steps to increase your odds of receiving compensation:

  • The first action is always to seek medical attention. It is important to get a full medical assessment after a fall even if you believe you are uninjured. You may have internal injuries, or symptoms that only manifest a day or two later.
  • Seeking medical attention provides you with a record of receiving treatment for your injuries, an important factor in a slip and fall accident claim.
  • Get as much evidence about the fall as possible. You can take photos of the sidewalk, and obtain contact information from eyewitnesses.
  • Speak with an experienced slip and fall attorney. Your lawyer will review the facts in your case, examine the evidence, and determine who was responsible for your fall. Your attorney will compile all the relevant evidence and present it to the insurance company of the negligent party to seek full compensation.

Contact an Experienced Slip and Fall Attorney

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